It is well known that different crystals have been used for various purposes since ancient times. These gemstones are now also usually used in medicine, beauty sphere, daily life, etc. Moreover, some individual stones are considered to be an integral part of different rituals and ceremonies. By the way, a lot of people prefer to use the sacral chakra stones. Among them, there is a focus bracelet, which will help you to keep calm and find a balance between your feelings and actions.
Different chakra stones are becoming more popular around the world. Are they accommodating? What chakra stone to choose? Keep on reading to get to know the answers and learn more exciting information about individual chakra stones and their meanings.
The Meaning of Chakra Stones
Before starting to use a chakra gem stone, it is necessary to know its meaning and purpose. Chakra stones are individual unique stones, which are usually used to cleanse your chakras. Also, these stones may influence many aspects of your life, absorbing all the negative energy, which may appear around you anytime. Moreover, individual chakra gem stones and crystals have the healing properties which are aimed at maintaining the positive atmosphere.
The most popular and widespread today is the chakra balancing crystals. They balance your feelings and clean your mind. That will help you to keep your head and be more concentrated. Furthermore, there are a lot of types of sacral chakra stones. However, it is necessary to choose one which will be the most suitable and helpful for you. It is commonly accepted that the chakra stones are used to focus on some special energy centers of a person. That is why it is really important to understand what energy center you desire to focus on and choose one most appropriate chakra gem stone. Let us consider 7 chakra stones which are considered to be the most helpful and efficient.
1. Heart chakra stones are associated with green color. Among them are Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline, Jade, Rose Quartz.
2. Throat chakra stones provide blue color. There are Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Aquamarine.
3. Third eye chakra stones are associated with indigo color. They include Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Purple Fluorite, etc.
4. Sacral chakra stones are associated with orange color. They include Carnelian, Moonstone, Citrine and some others.
5. Solar Plexus chakra stones provide yellow color. There are Malachite, Calcite, Citrine, Topaz.
6. Crown chakra stones provide purple color. There are Diamond, Clear Quartz, Amethyst.
7. Root chakra stones are usually associated with red color. Among them are Tiger’s Eye, Bloodstone, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Fire Agate, etc.
There are a lot of types of sacral chakra stones, but it is important to choose one which will be the most suitable for you and your purpose.